ProjectBlueNovember days 16 to 30

Raising Awareness One Day At A Time

Awareness is key for helping lose the stigma associated with diabetes. ProjectBlueNovember has been great fun and by me sharing daily on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter I am hoping that awareness of diabetes has been raised amongst my friends and family.

This is the 2nd half of diabetes awareness month, my life in pictures. Doing this challenge each day has really made November fly past this year, and that means Xmas is almost here 🙂 

If you have not already seen my days 1 to 15, check it out here  ➡ ProjectBlueNovember days 1 – 15


Day 16 – Exercise

Hands up time, exercise not my strong point of late, although now I’m a pumper this is all going to change in 2017.

Exercise, and a diet that’s wise

Day 17 – Crafts

Some people in the diabetic world are very handy when it comes to crafting their own patches for holding on CGM. Not to mention the really crafty types in the #wearenotwaiting movement, truly amazing work happening there.

Have a look at the website to learn about this project –  ➡ Here

Diabetics are a crafty lot
Diabetics are a crafty lot

Day 18 – Wear It Blue

Fridays the world turns blue, all in the name of diabetes awareness

Im blue da da dee da da daaaa
Im blue da da dee da da daaaa

Day 19 – #RockitlikeRichard

Honouring Richard Vaughn, who has been living with type 1 for over 70 years now.

Proud to have met these inspirational people
Proud to have met these inspirational people

Day 20 – Friendship

One great thing to come out of having type 1 is the friends I have made.


Day 21 – Nature

Everybody loves a bunny picture

The late Dopey rabbit
The late Dopey rabbit

Day 22 – Support

Diabetes is a lonely illness without the right support around you. Peer to peer support is priceless. If you are local to London why not get involved with the T1d London meetups group, great bunch of people and so much experience to share  ➡ T1D London Meetups Group

Peers are essential in all this
Peers are essential in all this

Day 23 – How Do You Get Your Insulin?

Pens, pump, NHS, chemist, private health insurance lots of ways to get the fluid of life for us.

Kind of an important fluid
Kind of an important fluid

Day 24 – Thankful

All the things in life to be thankful for, in my case it’s the support of my wife, the online diabetic community, the NHS and my friends made through meeting other people with diabetes.

Reasons to be thankful 1,2,3
Reasons to be thankful 1,2,3

Day 25 – Wear It Blue 

You get the idea by now surely.

Is it Friday already?
Is it Friday already?

Day 26 – Medical Alert

The different ways of letting people know you’re a type 1. Still contemplating the tattoo, but with my luck they will cure type 1 the week after I get the tattoo, after all the cure was only 10 years away I was told on diagnosis.

Do you know what to look for?
Do you know what to look for?

Day 27 – Action

Diabetes should not be a barrier to doing anything active.

What a brave boy!
What a brave boy!

Day 28 – Hobbies

We all got to have a hobby to distract us from real life, lately mine has been motorsport. Living close to Brands Hatch helps!


Day 29 – Find The Test Strip

These little fellas get everywhere, you just ask anybody who lives with a type 1!! I got creative with my used ones for these pics.

So artistic!
So artistic!

Day 30 – Faces Of Diabetes

A few of the people I am lucky enough to call friends, met all of these guys through having the amazing thing known as type 1, wouldn’t want it any other way!!

A few of the best diabuddies
A few of the best diabuddies


And that’s it, diabetes awareness month done for another year. If just one person without diabetes reads this blog, then it has done its job and raised awareness.

For now

Take care, Christmas is just there   😯 



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