It’s Christmas……. Nearly
Well Christmas is just around the corner now and weekends are fast running out. With this in mind the guys over at T1D Meetups London would like to announce the next meetup. We have now booked the venue and the date.
Although not quite Xmas, this will be the last T1D Meetups event of 2017
Christmas is a time for excess so this should be a good one!!
When is it then?
We have gone for the last Saturday in November, Saturday 25th November at 2pm. We have deliberately not booked December as we know many people will be too busy with works Christmas parties and shopping etc.
Where is it then?
We have chosen a great venue for this one. It is pretty much our favourite location so seemed a fitting end to 2017.
The Larrick
32 Crawford Place
London W1H 5NN
The food here really is good and well priced for a central London venue. Check out their website for the full menu.
As I say we have had great meetups in here in the past, from memory they normally go on until around 10pm, so if you cant get there for the afternoon please do still come along in the evening.
Please do join our Facebook group if you would like to come along to this one, best way we can keep track of the numbers!
And we are on Twitter too, find us @T1London
➡ T1D London Meetups on Twitter
Looking forward to seeing many old friends and hopefully meeting some new faces too.
If you are new to Type 1 and this will be your first festive season have a look at how I approach ➡ Alcohol and Type 1
For now
Take care and see you there