Meet ups and events, get involved

Taking the positives from T1D

A chance to meet new friends. The biggest positive I can take from having T1D is the new friends I have made along the way.

9th September 2014 I didn’t know one type 1 diabetic.

Now I am lucky enough to have regular contact with over 100 others all in the same boat, and I can honestly say I would class at least 10 of them as good friends.

This is in no small part down to the meet ups which are arranged through the forums and the Facebook group myself and Ewelina started earlier this year.


Meet up with others


 ➡ Facebook Group





 ➡ Type 1 Forum


Meet the Facebook group

Our Facebook group was launched in March 2016, now in June 2016 we have over 120 active members.

A new meetup is arranged every couple of months, usually in a pub in central London.

Now summer is here we are looking towards outside venues.

Keep checking this website and Facebook for details

At our meetups we have a regular attendance of over 20 people each time.

There is a core group of around 10 regulars, at each meetup 5 or 10 new people come along, so if you are nervous you will be a newbie, dont worry.

We are a friendly bunch and there is no ”clicky” atmosphere, we are all PWD in the same boat.

meet up with others

In no other walk of life could a teenager meet an OAP in a pub and have a good half an hour conversation with no awkward silences and both parties will learn something new.

This is another benefit of meeting PWD, you wont learn more from any other source, experience is worth a thousand qualifications.

Keep an eye out for regular updates to this part of the site, it will be updated with new event details, pictures and posts from past events, useful links and much much more


Coming up soon …..

Details of our big ”Picnic in the park” event on 2nd July from midday onwards


Take care and mind the stairs




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