November is Diabetes awareness month

November – A special month

Well November is a busy old month for us diabetics, me especially. I have lots to look forward to in the next few weeks.

Firstly, it is my birthday on the 9th November, so that’s always a reason to smile, especially when I am 21 again this year  😀 

Secondly on the 9th November my pumping journey will begin, fingers crossed this time!!

14th November is World Diabetes Day. This is the day where all non diabetics have to be nice to us!!  ➡ World Diabetes Day

Also on the 26th of this month a very special event is happening in London………..

And on top of all that it is Diabetes Awareness Month. This is our chance to help spread awareness of diabetes and our daily battle with the big D.

So how much of a pain is Diabetes?

Since I was diagnosed a couple of years back I have pricked my finger and injected myself more times than I care to remember.

JDRF have done a fun little thing for Diabetes Awareness Month, see my stats below


This is a conservative estimate, I know I have checked my bloods a lot more than this!!! I wouldnt inject without checking blood sugar levels, so that number should at least equal the number of injections. On top of that I always check before driving, at times of illness, during basal testing, upon waking and before bed. A closer estimate would be more like 12,000. Still it gives a rough idea.

November 26th, what’s happening on that day?

This is the big one. Ithis is the T1D London meetups group Xmas gathering. 

If you want more details and information check this page

And don’t forget to join our Facebook group too




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